Friday, 2 November 2012


Dr. Helen Caldicott in her latest YouTube says we have to globally close all 440? nuclear reactors down immediately! (To prevent extinction!) Dr. Chris Busby blames our present cancer epidemic on radioactive dust from nuclear bomb testing and nuclear power! (It is estimated one in two people will get cancer in the UK)!

If we don’t take heed we leave a legacy of birth defects and cancer caused by Nano sized radioactive dust. We have to stop nuclear power to save the children and life on this planet!

When uranium (The main fuel element in a nuclear reactor, half life of 4.5 billion years!) vaporises it forms a ceramic aerosol of Nano sized dust particles which if inhaled or digested cause cancer and birth defects!

At Fukushima Diachi there is 11,500 tons of radioactive waste mainly uranium - Spent Fuel Pool 4 is threatening to catch fire triggering a global extinction event!

If you inhale one of these Nano sized particles. (Smaller than cigarette smoke particles.) They go straight through the lung membrane into the blood stream which then transports them to the bodies organs- brain, lungs, liver, kidney etc. where they lodge and continually emit alpha particles which mutate the surrounding local cells causing them to turn cancerous, this then develops over a period of time into full blown cancer!

The alpha particles also mutate the- DNA, genes & chromosomes, which cause birth defects which progressively get worse over the generations.

This emergency requires an instant solution:  Disconnecting from the reactor the steam input to the turbine generator and connecting eight GE90115B jet engines (from the A380 Airbus.) via a manifold would provide sufficient thrust to replace most of our nuclear reactors.

1 GE90 engine=145,000hp = 108MW per engine,   2 Airbus planes = 8 engines =864MW.

Total nuclear capacity in UK aprox 9,000MW = 22 planes. ie 9,000/108=83.3engines (4 engines/plane)


GE Aeroderivative Gas Turbine Power Generation

Summary. GE’s continued investment in R&D aircraft engine technology enables the LM series of gas turbines to maintain their leadership position in technology, performance, operational flexi- bility, and value to the customer. Offered in power output from 13 to 47 MW, and having the ability to operate with a variety of fuels and emission control technologies, GE’s aeroderivative gas turbines have gained the widest acceptance in the industry, with total operating experience in excess of 41million hours.  These turbines have been selected for a multitude of applications, from power generation to mechanical drive, for the exploration, production and transmission of oil and gas, as well as marine propulsion systems including transport, ferryboat, and cruise ship installations.

GE Aeroderivative Gas Turbines - Design and OperatingFeatures

We could use scrap jet engines that have exhausted their flying hours but would be safe enough to operate on land? Jet engines can run on paraffin, diesel oil, or gas.

1. Virtual immediate removal of the threat from nuclear reactors.
2. A temporary solution until a sustainable solution is found.
3. Jet fuel and scrap engines are cheap.
4. Three options of fuel.

5. Halt the production of nuclear waste & uranium mining.
6. Halt Plumegate & threat to democracy.

Has anybody got any better solutions?

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


TUC conference Brighton 2012 Sept. 11 Composite 10. (Morning Session)

R.M.T. Paul Chadwick said:  
It gives us special pleasure this year to be able to welcome composite 10 and to note, that nowhere does composite 10 commit to the folly of future development of potentially dangerous nuclear power technology, which as the disaster in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan last year, reminds us that, unresolved problems and continual threat hang over our heads, to our children and future generations.
Composite 10 carried.

The General Secretary of the R.M.T. Bob Crow told me later that 'Because there was no objection the R.M.T. voted for it and No Nuclear Power is now TUC policy!'

Monday, 20 August 2012


OLYMPIC ARREST OF ANTI- NUCLEAR PROTESTOR (For Public Nuisance etc.  Sunday 12 August 2012)

It is estimated that 1 in 2 people will get cancer which is caused by ingesting or inhaling radioactive dust as a result of Nuclear Power Stations and Atom Bomb Testing in the 50s.  

When uranium (And other radioactive fuel?) vaporises it forms an aerosol of Nano sized ceramic dust particles which themselves emit alpha particles, when inside the body (internal radiation) these alpha particles constantly bombard the local cells which can become cancerous, over the years this develops in to full blown cancer!

These Nano sized particles are so small (Smaller than cigarette smoke particles.) they pass through the lung membrane into the blood stream which transports them to other organs where they can lodge and remain for years, not only causing cancer but also damaging the DNA, Genes,  Chromosomes etc. Causing birth defects which then increasingly get worse over the generations.

It seems there is no escaping this radioactive dust, which for instance lands on the grass, the cows eat the grass the dust then passes into the dairy produce etc. Also the wind blows it around contaminating the entire globe. 

Spent Fuel Pond 4 at Fukushima could (probably will?) trigger a global extinction event!


Under the protection of Article 10 ECHR it was my intention to protest regarding the above. I intended to climb the 96 meter flying TV camera tower in Millwall Park and zip-wire across the Thames (Towing the banner NO NUKES! behind me.) in front of the Battle Ship HMS Ocean and then pull myself (Uphill) over the Queens House into the Greenwich Olympic Arena in front of the world’s press!

The Olympic flying spider TV camera runs on a bogy at a height of approx. 300ft, over the Thames along 2 lines (Approx. 1 Km. long.) Stretching from a tower at Lord Wolf’s statue at Greenwich Observatory, along the Greenwich Mean Time Meridian, over the Olympic Stadium, the Queens House, the Cutty Sark, over the Thames, in front of the Battle Ship HMS Ocean, to the tower at Millwall Park.

The tower at Millwall Park was patrolled by security guards and security fencing and had a chained trap door approx. 50ft up the tower. At approx. 4:30pm. I approached the security fencing from what I considered was a blind spot and managed to get under the fence, I was able to climb the tower without being detected, when I reached the iron trap door which was chained I was able to squeeze passed it, I then proceeded to climb to the top of the tower where there was a platform where the TV spider lines terminated. I then attached myself to the structure.

I had anticipated steel lines about 3ft apart but to my surprise found the lines were nearly 5ft apart and of a nylon like substance (Dacron?) I proceeded to attach the rope bogy to the lines, but found that some of the ropes were too short, so I had to modify using other lengths of rope.

Whilst busy doing this I noticed that police officers had cordoned off the park, crowds of people were looking up, police vans, ambulances, stretchers with red blankets had arrived – 2 police helicopters were hovering above and assault helicopters from the Battle ship had taken off.

After I had attached my safety harness and rope-bogy to the lines, I carried out functionality and safety checks but decided that the likely hood of reaching the Greenwich Olympic Arena Tower was remote, and so I aborted the mission and settled for displaying the banner at the top of the tower reading NO NUKES!

After an hour or so I noticed 2 police climbers approaching I shouted down “I’m about to come down” the response was “I wish you had told us that earlier” I asked “What is your mission?” – “To have a chat.” – “Fine.” We had a chat and I said “You’re the boss I will do anything you say”. He sent his colleague for a better safety harness belayed me down first 20 ft. and then we all descended together, when reaching the ground I was handcuffed and arrested for aggravated trespass, public nuisance and criminal damage. I was cheered by the crowd gave a wave shouted No Nuclear Power and then transported to West End Central Police Station- bailed until court on.  24 August, 10:00 am. at West London Magistrates Court, 181 Telgarth Rd. W6 8DN.

Update 18 Sept. 2012 Next court appearance on 21 Sept 9:30 am. at West London Magistrates Court.

Update2 18 September 2012.   Dear Stuart,   Re: West London Magistrates Court
I am attaching a copy of a Notice of Discontinuance which I have received earlier today from the Crown Prosecution Service. This confirms that the case against you is in effect being dropped. You will see that the Prosecution have accepted that “there is not enough evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction”.
Under those circumstances neither you nor I need to attend court on Friday of this week, 21st September 2012.

See photos in Google Images.                   Twitter - no nukes tower.                 Stuart Holmes Campaigner.

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